The Words of Justin Tuck

Written By chris klinkner On Sunday, August 23, 2009

Tuck may be writing checks that the G-men defense can't cash.

Smart man that Justin Tuck. In today's New York Daily News Mr. Tuck is quoted as saying the following: "The Eagles were our No. 1 threat to begin with."

I couldn't agree with the man more. It's a two team race in the NFC East this season. These words may come back to bite me, but as an Eagles' fan I am not worried about the Cowboys or 'Skins this season.

Tucks also goes on to say that if McNabb were to line-up as a TE when Vick is in the game that he would of course take his shot at #5. Fair is fair and football is a contact sport. Can't argue with Tuck on this point.

Where I continue my disagreement is when Tuck says that the Giants will have figured out the "Vick packages" by the time the two teams meet on November 1.

To that I say good luck.

Aren't the G-Men responsible for the saying "22 eyes on #36?" Vick can be just as dangerous as #36 in open space. And despite a game plan of 22 eyes on B-West, I remember B-West leaving Pierce in a cloud of dust.

So many offensive weapons I am drooling over here.

1 Response to "The Words of Justin Tuck"

  1. petesbrewha Said,

    Shut you mouth Justin! Take a look back at the playoffs last season.


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